71 sitios con menús CSS gratuitos

css-menu.jpgEncontré navegando por ahí una excelente lista de sitios con menús gratuitos en CSS. Los menús en CSS son excelentes para posicionamiento web ya que los buscadores detectan facilmente el anchor text (texto del enlace) en el código fuente de la página, lo cual no sucede en el caso de los menús basados en Java.

      1. 11 CSS navigation menus : at Exploding Boy
      2. 12 more CSS Navigation Menus. : at Exploding Boy
      3. 14 Free Vertical CSS Menus : at Exploding Boy
      4. 2-level horizontal navigation : demo at Duoh
      5. Absolute Lists: Alternatives to Divs : An approach of using lists instead of divs at evolt
      6. Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers : demo at Simplebits
      7. ADxMenu : multiple menu examples at aPlus
      8. A drop-down theme : at CSS Play
      9. Bookend Lists: Using CSS to Float a Masthead : at WebSiteOptimization
      10. Bulletproof Slants : demo at Simplebits
      1. Centered Tabs with CSS : at 24ways
    1. Clickable Link Backgrounds : A bulletproof unordered list of links, each with a unique (purely decorative) left-aligned icon that is referenced with CSS ; but that is also clickable.
    2. Create a Teaser Thumbnail List Using CSS: Part 1 : lists of items made up of a title, short description, and thumbnail.
    3. Creating Indented Navigation Lists : A multi-level indented list
    4. Creating Multicolumn Lists : at Builder.com
    5. cssMenus – 4 Level Deep List Menu : at SolarDreamStudios
    6. CSS and Round Corners: Build Accessible Menu Tabs : at SitePoint
    7. CSS-Based Tabbed Menu : a simple tabbed menu.
    8. CSS-based Navigation : demo at Nundroo
    9. CSS: Double Lists : A single list that appears in two columns
    10. CSS Mini Tabs (the UN-tab, tab) : demo at Simplebits
    11. CSS only dropdown menu : at CSS Play
    12. CSS only flyout menus : at CSS Play
    13. CSS only flyout/dropdown menu : at CSS Play
    14. CSS only flyout menu with transparency : at CSS Play
    15. CSS only vertical sliding menu : at CSS Play
    16. CSS Swag: Multi-Column Lists : at A List Apart
    17. CSS Tabs : tabs without any images
    18. CSS Tabs : list of various tab solutions
    19. CSS tabs with Submenus : at Kalsey.
    20. dTree Navigation Menu : Javascripts Tree at Destroydrop
    21. Definition lists – misused or misunderstood? : appropriate uses of definition lists
    22. Do You Want To Do That With CSS? – Multiple Column Lists : multi-column lists.
    23. Drop-Down Menus, Horizontal Style : at A List Apart
    24. Float Mini tabs : at Web-Graphics
    25. Flowing a List Across Multiple Columns : A table without using tables.
    26. Free Menu Designs V 1.1 : ready-to-download block menusat e-lusion
    27. FreeStyle Menus : XHTML compliant, CSS-formatted menu script at TwinHelix
    28. Hidden tab menu : at CSS Play
    29. How to Style a Definition List with CSS : at WebReference
    30. How to Style an Unordered List with CSS : at WebReference
    31. How to Use CSS to Position Horizontal Unordered Lists : at WebReference

  1. Hybrid CSS Dropdowns : at a List Apart
  2. Inline Mini Tabs : at Web-Graphics
  3. Intelligent Menus : CSS and PHP menu at PhotoMatt.net
  4. Inverted Sliding Doors Tabs : at 456BereaStreet
  5. Light Weight Multi Level Menu : at CssCreator
  6. List Display Problems In Explorer For Windows : list hack for IE
  7. Listamatic : simple lists; various styles.
  8. Listamatic2 : nexted lists; various styles
  9. Menus galleries in CSS and XHTML : multiple examples and downloads at Alsacreations
  10. Mini-Tab Shapes : demo at Simplebits
  11. Mini-Tab Shapes 2 : demo at Simplebits
  12. More than Just Bullets : at W3.org
  13. Multiple Column Lists : at css-discuss
  14. A Navbar Using Lists : A lightweight nav bar at WestCiv
  15. Navigation Matrix Reloaded : at SuperfluousBanter
  16. Remote Control CSS : examples of lists styled differently
  17. Remote Control CSS Revisited – Caving in to peer pressure : multi-column remote control
  18. Rounding Tab Corners : by Eric A. Meyer.
  19. Simple CSS Tabs : at SilverOrange
  20. Simplified CSS Tabs : demo at Simplebits
  21. Sliding Doors : at A List Apart
  22. Spruced-Up Site Maps : sitemaps as lists
  23. Styling Nested List : at SimpleBits
  24. Suckerfish Dropdowns : at HTMLDog
  25. Tabtastic : Gavin Kistner.
  26. Tabs Tutorial at BrainJar
  27. Taming Lists : at A List Apart
  28. Turning a List into a Navigation Bar : at 456BereaStreet
  29. Ultimate css only dropdown menu : at CSS Play

Henry Silva
About Author

Henry Silva

Hola! Soy Henry Silva, webmaster de ilmaistro.com, emprendedor y empresario. Me gusta escribir sobre tecnología, me encantan las redes sociales y tengo mi propia empresa de servicios de posicionamiento web: Capybara SEO. Si deseas, puedes contactarme o saber más de mi.